Haider is a 2014 Hindi film directed by Vishal Bhardwaj, and co-written by Basharat Peer and Bhardwaj. It is a modern-day adaptation of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, set in Kashmir and stars Shahid Kapoor as Haider, and Tabu essays the role of his mother who marries her brother-in-law (played by Kay Kay Menon) after her husband mysteriously disappears. The movie also stars Shraddha Kapoor as Arshia, a journalist by profession and Haider’s love-interest.
Movie Story:
This is an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’, Haider – a young man returns home to Kashmir on receiving news of his father’s disappearance. Not only does he learn that security forces have detained his father for harboring militants, but that his mother is in a relationship with his very own uncle. Intense drama follows between mother and son as both struggle to come to terms with news of his father’s death. Soon Haider learns that his uncle is responsible for the gruesome murder, what follows is his journey to avenge his father’s death.