10 Amazing Hilarious ‘Zoology’ Jokes, Trolls, Memes That Will Make You Laugh


1) Best comedy in zoology lab.

A student complained, “Sir my frog is pregnant!”

Sir replied,

“Tumpe toh vishwas karke ek mendak bhi nahi de sakte… :-p

2) A young college student had stayed up all night for his zoology test next day. As he entered the classroom he saw ten stands with ten birds on them with a sack on each bird and only the legs showing.
He sat right on the front because he wanted to do the exam well. The professor announced that test would be to look at each set bird legs and give the common name, habitats, species, etc.
The student looked at each set of birds legs. They all looked the same to him. He began to get upset. He had stayed up all night studying, and now had to identify rach bird by their legs. The more he thought about it, the madder he got. Finally he couldn’t stand it longer. He went upto the professor’s desk and said,”What a stupid test! How could anyone tell the difference between birds by looking at their legs?”. With that the student threw his test on the professor and walked out of the door.
The professor was surprised. The class was so big that he didn’t know his name, so as the student reached the door professor called,”Mister, what’s your name?”. The enraged student pulled up his pants showing his legs and said “You guess, buddy! you guess my name, my family name and everything about me”.

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