10 Effective Ways To Boost Up The Power Of Your Brain


brain power

It’s important to have a healthy body to live a long productive life, but it’s even more important to have a healthy brain to help make your life productive. If you’re finding for some sure-fire ways to boost up the power of your brain here’s what you can do on a daily basis to fuel up your brain with no side effects and just effectiveness.

  1. Keep learning process on: Learning is the best way of growing. Keep the learning process on, you may read not only your academic books but also any other book that can increase your general knowledge. You may learn a new language or take up an additional course. Good general knowledge and extra information means good IQ.
  2. Keep your mind occupied: Exercising your brain and keeping the mental activity on is always a good idea no matter what is your age. Keep your brain occupied with some or the other activity. It could be anything like your hobbies. A human mind is like a machine, it requires constant functioning for effective working.
  3. Innovate new things: Innovating new things is like putting your mind at work. New innovation requires a lot of thinking and using of one’s grey cells. Take up challenges with yourself and among your friends to understand your capabilities.
  4. Exercise daily: Physical exercise is a great solution to a wide range of emotional, physical and intellectual problems. Exercise increases the blood flow in the body which in turn increases the amount oxygen that your brain needs to function. It also helps with the birth of new brain cells and awakens the stem cells that control the memory system.
  5. Take in healthy diet: Along with physical exercise proper diet is essential for brain growth. There are variety of food items that are good and healthy for the brain and body. Food helps increase mental functioning. Mostly vegetables like tomatoes, berries, leafy vegetables and fish improves the over-all brain cells. Meat, eggs and beans, peas and pulses contains high level of amino acids that are associated with mental alertness.
  6. Think useful things: Even if you have nothing to do, keep you’re thinking process on. There are so many things you can think and analyze on. This will help you give a better understanding on topics and increasing your thinking power.
  7. Play brain games: Play Fun activities like crosswords, Sudoku, puzzles to enhance the thinking power of your brain. You could also take up brain challenge games on internet or take part in debates or quiz competitions. You could even watch TV programs that focus on brain power.
  8. Increase communication: Communication increases your vocabulary which is very essential for increasing your intelligence level. Key to increase in IQ is not just reading but learning and interacting with people.
  9. Give a change to the environment: Your mind and body at times requires change. Go on an outing on weekends and explore new things, this is one way to open up your mind to new things.
  10. Relaxation: After all the thinking and working done during the day, the brain needs to relax to recollect everything that was done. One needs to have good sleep to wake up fresh each day. Lack of sleep can hamper the learning process of the following day, so you need to sleep for at least 6-7 hours a day for healthy functioning of your mind and body.

Follow these useful tips and tricks to enhance and increase the power of your brain.

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Daisy Pais


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