10 Killer Hilarious ‘The Most Embarrassing Moment Ever’ Tweets Trending On Twitter



  1. When you see a dog barking and coming towards you and all you do is kneel and beg for mercy #TheMostEmbarrassingMomentEver
  2. *do not disturb activation* *accidentally sends “DND” to gf* #TheMostEmbarrassingMomentEver
  3. #TheMostEmbarrassingMomentEver You think the call has ended and you abuse the opposite person. Alas! He heard that…
  4. #TheMostEmbarrassingMomentEver when watching movie in hostel room and warden catches us…
  5. #TheMostEmbarrassingMomentEver is when you give the wrong answer in the class with confidence
  6. When you have red eyes like a demon in every photo that was taken with the flash. #TheMostEmbarrassingMomentEver
  7. #TheMostEmbarrassingMomentEver receiving passing marks in hindi. That year result was announced subject wise in front of whole school.
  8. He: I want to be more than friends. She: Me too. Let’s be best friends. #TheMostEmbarrassingMomentEver
  9. Pushing a door which says pull !! #TheMostEmbarrassingMomentEver
  10. Counting the number of pages while preparing for a exams. 😛 #TheMostEmbarrassingMomentEver

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