Do you know that there are various ventures that require little or no money to start up? If you aspire to start your own firm, don’t hold back thinking about money. Here we present 10 Simple Unique Business Ideas With Low Investment, which will help you to earn money and make your rich shortly:
1)Â Â Â Â Â Recruitment / Consultancy : Lakhs of people search for jobs in every city and starting up a recruitment firm can actually help you to give these candidates a job as well as you can also make business out of it.
2)Â Â Â Â Â Online blogging : If you were appreciated of writing good articles in your school or college days, then you should definitely start publishing your content online. You can start as a freelancer, contribute content in different websites or start your own website / blog with little investment.
3)Â Â Â Â Â Resume writer : There are thousands of resume samples online but still you will find atleast 5-10 mistakes in every resume which a HR goes through. Preferably you can learn the resume writing tactics and gain indepth knowledge. You can earn for designing a good resume and help candidates.
4)Â Â Â Â Â SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Consultancy : These days everything is online. Every company has started its website to reach its target audience. SEO consultant is required by majority of the organizations. If you can help organizations drive traffic to its website, probably you have become an SEO expert.
5)     Motivational Speaker : Motivation is required by every person of all age-groups. If you have been motivating your friends or family members since your school and college days and you have the skill to make someone’s life better by counseling them, you can definitely turn this into a business opportunity.
6)Â Â Â Â Â Photographer : If you are great at clicking photographs, then you can start a photography business with very low investment. All you need is a digital camera with a lot of experience.
7)Â Â Â Â Â Event Management Company : If you have a active team of experts who can organize events, then starting an event management company is a great idea. You would require a lot of patience, manpower and understanding to handle events.
8)Â Â Â Â Â Â Xerox and Book-binding shop : Many college and school students are given many projects, assignments to be submitted in every semester and starting up a Xerox and book-binding shop in that area can be a good idea.
9)Â Â Â Â Â Catering business : These days it has become fashion to organize parties and events for every small or big occasion. People always look for best catering services for marriages and parties. If you are good at providing food and catering service, then this could be a good business idea.
10)Â Computer classes : With world becoming tech-friendly, there is a requirement for an educated and knowledgeable computer trainer as computer / technology is a must everywhere.