10 Tips To Start Your New Semester In a Successful Way




All-time favorite line of College students has always been-

“Let this semester go, we will always study from the next semester! :p”and the next semester never comes 😉

So as the next (new) semester has started in all the BMS colleges, here we bring you the to-do things which can help you to start the semester stress-free.

1)Manage your time. Have you heard this before? With so many assignment, internal exams and cultural events, you need to manage your time properly and stick to your time-table persistently. Try different techniques –reminders in your mobile, writing on paper or notepad etc.

2) Get your books – textbooks and notebooks. Its sooo confusing when you maintain only 1 book for all the 6 subjects, its just impossible to catch up. Make sure you maintain different books for different subjects and do visit http://books.bms.co.in/ – online bookstore for all the semester books (you can get here discounts too :p)

3) Go through the syllabus and reference books list. Figure which subjects aren’t easy for You and for which you would have to join classes/take extra help from professors and friends.

4) Plan your finances for the semester (Industrial visits, college festivals, exam fees, books, parties etc.)so that you can focus on your studies during lectures and not worry throughout the semester.

5) Have fun and eliminate the ‘academic stress’ from your college life. Find hobbies, surround with good friends and positive people who will motivate you when you are down.

6) Have enough sleep (7-8 hours) and make sure you wake early in the morning. Eat proper food to be more energized.

7) Plan your timetable to attend lectures – which ones to attend and which ones to bunk 😉 so that you get 75% attendance in all subjects.

8) Start reading your textbooks (not byhearting). Reading the concepts and topics helps you to be prepared for class tests and reduces your exam fear.

9) Mentally prepare yourself for the semester by creating lists of assignments, exams and presentations. Write down all the dates and think how you will get it all done before the deadlines.

10) Go into each class with  a positive attitude as your previous semester is not relevant. It’s time for a new start.
Good luck with your new semester! We know you’ll rock it 🙂


Is there anything you’d add to the list? Got any other tips? Share your tricks to survive the semester in a comment below!


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