11 Hilarious Yoga Jokes, Yoga Fun and Laughter, Yoga Humor For WhatsApp, Facebook





1. If you want to ruin the truth, stretch it.

2. Having trouble sleeping? Try counting your blessings.

Q: What do Yoga meditation and an apple peeler have in common?
A: They both take you to the core.

4. Four monks agreed to meditate in silence for a week and to not speak a single word. On the first day, they all maintained silence. But as darkness fell, the flame of their singular candle began to flicker. “Oh, the flame is going out, said one monk. “Eh, we should not speak a single word, said the second monk. “Why do you two want to speak? said the third monk “Ha! I am the only one who did not talk! said the fourth monk.

5. The easiest way to get holy water is to boil the hell out of it.

6. Sign in the window of a metaphysical bookstore:
“Vagueness spoken here”

7. The best vitamin to be a happy person is B1.

Q. What did the sign in the window of the yoga master searching for a new disciple say?
A. Inquire within!


Q. Why did the yogi refuse anesthesia when having his wisdom teeth removed?
A. He wanted to transcend-dental-medication!


The Lone Bat
A group of bats, hanging at the ceiling of a cave discovers a single bat STANDING upright underneath on the floor of the cave. Surprised by this unusual behavior, they ask this fellow: “What’s wrong with you? What are you doing down there?” And the fellow shouts back: “Yoga!”


Two good old friends were meeting. “How are you and your family?” asks the one. “Oh we’re all fine”. The other one answers, “We’re all healthy and have work to earn our lives. But how ’bout your son?? is he still workless??” “Not at all”, the first one answers, “He’s doing meditation now.” “Meditation? What’s this? What is he doing?” “I don’t know it exactly,” the first one answers again, “But I’m sure it’s better than just sitting down and doing nothing!”

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