15 Funny Hilarious ‘UEFA Champions League’ Jokes, Trolls, Memes For WhatsApp, Facebook

1) Why do Man City have three stars on their badge? To mark how many Champions League games they’ve won in their history (@Footy_Jokes)

2) Newsflash: Carlos Tevez has signed a new lucrative contract with the promise of Champions League football… Carlos loves his new Sky+ package (@bigguybwfc)

3) What do Man City and pound coins have in common? They’re both brilliant in England but useless in Europe. (@FootballFunnys)

4) Helen Flanagan touched more balls in “I’m A Celeb” than Scott Sinclair has since he joined Man City (@BigJohnTerry)

Here we present 15 Funny Hilarious ‘UEFA Champions League’ Jokes, Trolls, Memes For WhatsApp, Facebook

UEFA Champions League Jokes  (1) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (2) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (3) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (4) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (5) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (6) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (7) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (8) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (9) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (10) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (11) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (12) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (13) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (14) UEFA Champions League Jokes  (15)






(P.S. The information provided here is derived from various websites. We do not support or endorse the same)


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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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