15 Things Only FOOD LOVERS Will Relate To


Food Lovers

The food lovers are suspected to be a different species who cannot resist their taste buds and extreme passionate love for food. This are hard core food lovers and live for food. They talk food, sleep food, bath food and live food. Food is everything for them and a day without food is the only suicidal point. They understand all layers of food to the heart and are deeply in love with food. You snatch away their food – and they will show you what they can do. So there are some traits which only this hard core food lovers will understand and especially feel. So if you are a Foodie roll your eyes down.

Food Lovers 1

  1. You don’t know how to control.

The temptation is scaled at a very high level and restricting the water falling from mouth by seeing food is just impossible. In situations where they cannot eat is the worst phase for them, its worst then missing your loved ones or failing an exam. It’s just the worst thing. And hence Controlling and distancing away from food is something they really don’t prefer.

  1. Your entire money is spended for food.

Yes, and all your pocket money is wasted on the street foods outside your college, in your canteens and all food chains in malls. There is nothing saved anytime, because savings is just a waste of time for you. It’s better to spend them on your darling delicious foods and swallow happiness every bite then grudging and saving money in the wallet.

  1. You want to EARN to eat.

All want to earn and have a stable career – for themselves, their family, buy huge houses and luxury cars, branded bikes, spend money on exotic holidays and their love. But you? Naah- You want to earn so that you can Eat, eat and eat some more. Your only ambition, goal, focus and love is FOOD. For which you will earn and eat.

  1. You are never satisfied.

Yeah, after that big chicken twist meal, heavy rolls and wraps, soups and salads, desserts and ice creams …you still have place for something yummy. There is never a NO for any food. You also peep others plate and always have a cheque on what and how they eat, how fast they finish food- while some foodie are only busy in finishing their plate in some minutes and serving another hand of food. The food ends and still you want some more.

Food Lovers Quotes

  1. You LIVE to eat.

Where all do things to live …you live so that you can EAT. You have found your soul mate and know this is not ever going to betray you – it will only add some more and many more deliciousness and happiness to your life. You Live to eat.

  1. Menu cards are just not needed.

Because you are going to eat everything. Also because you know everything by heart. The starters to the main course and the deserts. You know each corner of the menu card, so the waiter never offers you one. Also you have a list ready before entering the restaurant because you have been deciding your menu since hours.

  1. You never care what people say about your strange love.

Your friends scare to throw a party with you, they call you “bhukhad”, and all the demons of the world, your mom hides food so that you don’t swipe it, relatives inviting you at dinner know they are going to sleep half-stomached today – and all these odd funny situations never ever bothers you.

  1. Your social accounts have all food stuffs.

You have liked almost all food pages and restaurants across the world. Seeing pictures of food helps you come out of a heart break situation, surfing their photos makes you happy and relaxed. Food merely gives you energy to keep going.

  1. Food is your first love.

You don’t feel sorry for your girlfriend waiting for hours because you were busy with your first love. Food is always the first priority and everything follows later. People are fed up of your strange love for food but all this are just talking beans for you.



You want to travel the whole world including yours to taste all kinds and cuisines of foods. You have a list from your travel channels about the famous foods and restaurants of the country and it’s the only important thing in your diary.

11. Your favorite restaurant owners know you well.

Yes because you lie all day there, they have become your best friends and suggest you all their new food dishes. They have your account there as a regular customer and late bill paying is just fine.

12. Weekends are foodie too.

While other friends plan a night out or hangover you only decide and manage the food department. From where the food will come, the quantities and menus are all handed to you. Because you are only damn best at it.

13. The Royal 3 Time food.

While others just need a coffee to start their day you need your big plate of breakfast followed with lunch and dinner. The royal feast is a must every day. And the snacks, chips, cookies and drinks between the royal feast hours is included too.

14. The embarrassment.

The quantity of food you daily consume is not normal …which makes you embarrassed many times but who cares? You are busy stuffing your mouth.

15. The heart breaks.

When you want to eat more but the foods end.

Or your friends are still eating and you have ended only to see their eating faces.

When the waiter brings the food only to deliver to the next table.

And the torture starts when you have to watch them eating.

And again the worst is when your food arrives first and being a polite person you have to wait for their food to arrive.

Waiting for the food at a restaurant is only utter agony.

And when your friends start clicking photos ignoring the food. You just want to hit them out.


And the Food lover’s diary never ends… 🙂




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