25 Amazing ‘Bang Bang’ Movie Posters, Pictures, HD Photos, Images, Wallpapers


Starring: Hrithik Roshan as Rajveer Nanda Katrina Kaif as Harleen Sahni Danny Denzongpa as Omar Zafar Jaaved Jaffrey as Hamid Gul Pawan Malhotra as Zorawar Parth Akerkar as Robert Kishan Gohel as Parker Préity Üupala as Bar Dancer

Story : A chance encounter of the unassuming bank receptionist Harleen Sahni with the charming yet mysterious Rajveer Nanda, results in an on-rush of ditched planes, car chases, shoot-outs, bombing raids and general global mayhem. But as the transcontinental chase ensues with Rajveer convincing Harleen that he’s the good guy, can she really trust him, and will trust matter when the bullets start flying?

Bang Bang 01 Bang Bang 02 Bang Bang 03 Bang Bang 04 Bang Bang 05 Bang Bang 06 Bang Bang 07 Bang Bang 08 Bang Bang 09 Bang Bang 10 Bang Bang 11 Bang Bang 12 Bang Bang 13 Bang Bang 14 Bang Bang 15 Bang Bang 16 Bang Bang 17 Bang Bang 18 Bang Bang 19 Bang Bang 20 Bang Bang 21 Bang Bang 22 Bang Bang 23 Bang Bang 24



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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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