3 Interesting Ways To Convince Your Friend To Study Well


study well

The pain of a breakup is still bearable as you have your friends with you to take care of you …but you heart tears into pieces when you lose a Good Friend with whom you have much deeper connection and one who knows you in and out…I am sure even the thought we don’t want to get in our minds…So would you like to lose a friend who is a good person but lacks in academics due to which somewhere the bond in some way may break as you have moved forward and not your soul sister or soul brother ?

I know how hurting it is to even imagine such a thing…So what do we do…We all know how important it is to study today as without it you are nothing. As education helps you not only gain knowledge but help develop our personality and makes us responsible citizens. It is through education and hard work that we are able to fulfill dreams of being a Doctors, Pilots, Engineers and many other well known professionals. If nothing with education we all can earn our livelihood and live a respectful life. We all very well know if you are a rich person without education you have no respect in society. When we know the advantages and disadvantages of education what would you choose for your friend? Would you like to see your friend at such a position where he is helpless, people call him/her names and constantly taunt him/her just because he was never good at studies?

I guess all our Answers are ‘NO’. So what do we do wait till he reaches that position…Off course no right, being a friend our duty is not only to play pranks together have fun but also to let the friend know where he/she is going wrong and convince and support him to do the right thing.

Ways to convince your friend to study well

  1. Tell your friend what would be the causes if he/she doesn’t study well

Maybe your friend doesn’t know the causes of not studying well. Let the friend know that he will be ruining his/her future by not studying well along with that he might lose you overtime if he doesn’t study well as you may progress but due to him/her not studying well will be lacking behind. If not for his future but in the fear of losing you might motivate your friend to study well.


  1. Tell your friend you will help him/her with studies

If your friend finds it difficult to study…talk to him or her and tell that you are there always to help him or her with whatever difficulties…through group studies or whichever possible way…maybe your friend is hesitating for that help…so you take a step forward and lend your helping hand.


  1. Let your friend know the benefits of studying well

Talk to your friend and tell how much happy his family and friends will be and how happy will you be when he/she studies well. Also tell them that how much happiness he/she will get by studying when he sees others happy because of himself/herself. Maybe for the happiness of others the person will start studying and progress in life.


If your friend loves you and looks forward to your friendship together he/she wills surely get convinced with not only these ways but in your own way but still whatever it is you should give it your best as you want your friend to be successful in life which is possible through education.

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