5 Amazing Facts That You Ought To Know About India’s First Cow Minister ‘Otaram Dewasi’


5 Amazing Facts That You Ought To Know About India’s First Cow Minister ‘Otaram Dewasi’

Otaram Dewasi

Otaram Dewasi is member of Rajasthan Legislative Assembly. He was elected in the assembly from Sirohi in 2008 and again in 2013 as a candidate of Bharatiya Janata Party. He has served as the chairman of Rajasthan Livestock Board.

Here are some Amaizing Facts That You must Know About ‘Otaram Dewasi’

1. Otaram Dewasi’s community-Rabaris, a livestock-dependent tribe traditionally addresses him as “Bhopajj” or priest.

Otaram Dewasi

2. Otaram Dewasi dresses up like a cow-herd. A long white cloth wrapped around his bare torso, red turban, dangling ear rings with a lathi in tow, he walks into everywhere.

Otaram Dewasi 2

3. Otaram Devasi at the age of 48, happens to be the Rajasthan’s minister in charge of cow affairs. As for himself, India’s first-ever minister for the ‘divine’ bovine likes to address himself as “gaupalan mantri”.

Otaram Dewasi bjp

4. In October, 2014, Otaram Devasi was made minister of dairy and devasthan administration of temples that get government funds with the extra charge of the “gaupalan department“. His responsibility also includes overseeing Rajasthan’s Gau Seva Commission and Cow Conservation Directorate.

Otaram Dewasi

5. Otaram Devasi who himself owns “20-25 cows”wants the canvas for cow protection to be bigger. Otaram Devasi says “I have sought an appointment with Prime Minister Narendra Modi after the Union budget so that I can impress upon him on the urgent need to set up a cow ministry at the Centre”.

Here is the image of Otaram Dewasi with Prime Minister Narendra Modi:

Otaram Dewasi with PM



Here is one video uploaded by Otaram Dewasi:


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Soumya Nadar


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