5 Amazing Things You Never Knew About Arpita Khan




1) Arpita Khan is the adopted daughter of Salim Khan and Helen and the youngest family member of the Khan family.

2) Biologically, Arpita Khan is the daughter of a homeless woman who died on a Mumbai footpath.

3) Arpita Khan holds a degree in fashion marketing and management from London College of Fashion and currently working with a leading architectural and interior design firm.

4) She is involved in the business side of fashion and planning to launch a fashion label which will be on par with its international counterparts.

5) Arpita Khan is born on 1st August 1989 and reported to be in a serious relationship for 2 years with Arjun Kapoor a decade ago.


(Disclaimer: The above facts have been written based on the information available on various websites. We are not responsible for the timeliness / accuracy of the information. We  neither support nor endorse the same)

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