5 Facts About Assi Ghat You May Not Know

  • Assi Ghat situated at the banks of river Ganga is the southernmost ghat of Varanasi where pilgrims bathe before paying their homage to lord Shiva in the form of huge lingam situated under a peepal tree. Another lingam worshipped here is Asisangameshwar lingam which is enshrined in a small marble temple near the Assi Ghat.
  • Due to the offerings presented to the lingam by the tourist and other garbage thrown here and there the Assi ghat has been polluted.
  • Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi has recently started taking measures to clean the Assi Ghat and return the prestige of Varanasi.
  • On 8th November Modi had first welded a spade to remove slit deposited at the Ghat along the banks of Ganga as part of his clean India campaign. He also nominated nine well known personalities to continue the clean India campaign.
  • On 25th December 2014 he stated that the Assi Ghat is cleaner than before and nominated nine more well-known personalities.
  • assi ghat 12 assi ghat 11 assi ghat 10 assi ghat 8 assi ghat 7 assi ghat 6 assi ghat 5 assi ghat 4 assi ghat 2 assi ghat 1 assi 3

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Rajvi Desai

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