5 Quick Facts About Aditya Thackeray You Ought To Know


Aditya Thackeray is celebrating his 25th birthday on 13th June 2015. Although he does not need an introduction for being the son of Uddhav Thackeray and grandson of Balasaheb Thackeray, you shouldn’t be surprised to know that alongwith heading the Yuva Sena from the year 2010, Aditya has also written a book and turned lyricist for a private album ‘Ummeed’.

Here we present 5 Quick Facts About Aditya Thackeray You Ought To Know

1) Aditya Thackeray likes reading histories of British monarchy, enjoys cricket and looks forward to take a decision that will change millions of lives.

2) Aditya has studied history at St. Xavier’s College, Mumbai and has taken law classes from K.C. College, Mumbai.

3) He has managed student politics at a very young age and has brought thousands of young volunteers to Shiv Sena with the help of Yuva Sena.

4) Aditya is one of the most read and discussed leaders in Maharashtra political circles for his sharp intelligence and presence of mind.

5) Few months back, Aditya came forward and supported the net neutrality campaign. He wrote a letter to TRAI and stated that killing net neutrality and allowing telecom operators to do so is not only draconian but also messes up the entire utility angle of access to internet which has been widely used in the country.


Aditya Thackeray Photos:

Aditya Thackeray Images  (1) Aditya Thackeray Images  (2) Aditya Thackeray Images  (3) Aditya Thackeray Images  (4) Aditya Thackeray Images  (5) Aditya Thackeray Images  (6) Aditya Thackeray Images  (7)

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