7 Amazing Indian Drinks to Beat the Summer Heat


indian drinks

Indian drinks are an important part of the Indian cuisine. Home-made, mom-made Indian drinks will quench your thirst better than any other drink you find in the market. They’re simple and made of ingredients that you’ll find at home. Varied climates make the body ask for different types of drinks all throughout the year. Here are some not-processed, containing no preservatives, not-expensive, light and very useful to beat the heat:

  1. Kokam sharbat

Kokum (garcinia indica) is soaked in hot water and the juice is blend with cumin seeds and water. It’s best for when you have guests at home coming at a short notice. Purely Indian with a sweet ‘n’ sour  twist.

  1. Nimbu paani

On the streets and at home, it’s the best! Lemon, is good for health and easy to get. You can have it in water or even soda. Add a pinch of salt, and make it perfect.

  1. Lassi/Chaas

Made from curd diluted in water. The choice is yours, whether you prefer it salty or sweet. It’s better to drink this with lunch, instead of a glass of water.

  1. Glucon D

When kids come back home, Glucon D will help them keep hydrated and it’s not bad in taste either. Not necessary kids, anyone can have it.

  1. Rooh-Afza

Rose flavoured syrup, mixed either with soda-milk or just plain water. Add ice cubes to it and simply keep your body cool.

  1. Jal-jeera

Same as the name, it’s water mixed with jeera(cumin seeds) and it’s purely Indian.

  1. Avla sharbat

Probably the healthiest of all the above juices, with most medicinal properties. The juice is extracted from the fruit(gooseberry) and added to water. Adding other external ingredients like cardamom and sugar are upto you.

So for the summer, keep ice cubes and cold water ready in the refrigerator so that you can make any of these whenever you feel hot or dehydrated.


– Meher Banga


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