7 Funny ‘Xi Jinping’ Tweets, Status Trending on Twitter



  1. An Indian news anchor has been sacked for saying Xi Jinping as Eleven Jinping ….Big LOL !!!
  2. This is incredibly creative “The Indian broadcaster that called Xi Jinping ‘Eleven Jinping’ was fired
  3. Doordarshan sacks newsreader for reading Chinese President Xi Jinping‘s name wrong
  4. Didn’t know that a Doordarshan newsreader a) called XI Jinping “eleven” and b) got sacked for it. Hilarious.
  5. Doordarshan’s news reader reads Xi Jinping as Eleven Jinping. It must be one of the most hilarious mistake of her life.
  6. That’s like Bush saying Kim Jong #2 instead of Kim Jong Il ” “Eleven Jinping.” Newsreader in India fired over Xi Jinping blunder
  7. XI Jinping demanded Kejriwal as return gift They want to show the world that there is something that lasts lesser than Chinese products



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