7 GREAT Ways To IMPRESS Your Mom


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Well you all have done those extra special things to impress your favorite teacher, best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend or any person you really adore and like. But have you ever felt the category to impress your beloved mom exist too? No. we know this doesn’t needs an extra thought. We are well versed to make our moms smile when she wants. But dealing with arguments and short fights results many times due to some things, some habits…mom expects something while you some other. This clash of thoughts and habits sketches the worthy relation – a trouble later. Why not take the initiative and make things good. Well you will only realize that all the things you will do to impress your mom – is for your own self. Yes, she shouts you whole day, runs behind you to eat your food and every such thing is of course for yourself. So follow some of these very easy things to make a difference.


  1. Have good Manners.

Talk with her very politely every time. Even when you seem to lose your temper go to the other room but don’t use harsh words. You can explain your mom later with good understanding words. Use your good manners every time. Use “thank you” and “sorry” in your daily talks. Your good manners also include doing things properly, sleeping and waking up on time, leaving for college on time and taking care of your diet.

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  1. Help Her.

You can share your hand with her in some of her household chores. Share her work. You will not only enjoy helping her, but also experience spending time with her and learning a work. She has a lot to work and also manage the house members. So take some burden off from her shoulders by doing some basic things like come to the dining table before she calls you several times, help her to access the vessels to the table during lunch and dinner. Give water to all family members as your serving part, do the outdoor works like paying petty bills, etc.


  1. Keep Cleanliness.

It’s easy. You just have to throw the waste in the bin. And keep the things from where you take it. Try to always have a scanned eye when you are at house. You see any thing misplaced – place it on the right place. This will greatly impress your mom. Also it will reduce her work. Try to make out time to clean your own room every week.

  1. Maintain good marks.

Study regularly for this as sadly, the result is what matters the most at the end of the day. Make sure your mom does not nag behind you for studying. You are big, you can manage your studies on your own. Try to study every day at least for 1 hour and have a time table. Try to top your class …as the proud the topper’s mom carries is satisfying for every mom and also this will make you safe for many occasions. If you know what I mean.

  1. Servicing.

If your mom is a working lady – offer her a glass of water when she returns, massage her feet and shoulders, help her when she is stuck in works and find it difficult to manage house, offer her help every time she needs. This applies even if your mom is a house maker too – when she returns from the market you can offer her a glass of water and ease her. Offer her the home clothes and welcome her with a smile.


  1. Eat what she wants.

Well this is for your own good health. Don’t sacrifice your favorite’s pastas and pizzas but do eat all the nutritious food she says you and balance it for your health and her happiness. When your mom asks you to have something – have it. Eat the greens and yellows thinking about yourself.

  1. The Don’ts.

Do not mess the house while cleaning it.

Do not over do what you are doing. Don’t irritate them.

Do not over use anything in the kitchen which will spoil her balanced things.

Do not use excess soap if you are washing utensils or do not make the kitchen table wet or the bathroom soapy.

Do not try to act and do things which you really want to.

Do not follow this only for a few days. Make it a habit.

Do not argue or shout when you think they are not appreciating your efforts.


Try to do all this to make your mom happy and impress her firstly. Which primly include things about yourself which is the prime concern in your mom’s life. Do your best and love your mom. Try to spend time with her and understand her, help her. There is no good feeling then making your mom feel proud of you and seeing her smile because of you. 🙂




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