7 Random Facts To Be Definitely Known On The First Space-Rated Space Shuttle in NASA’s Orbiter Fleet – SPACE SHUTTLE COLUMBIA


Space Shuttle Columbia completed 12th year anniversary after the crash. The family members of astronauts do hold nostalgic memories and tears but don’t refrain to present their pride for the victim astronauts who had sacrificed their life for the mission and also did accomplish it at the price of their lives.

Here are few random facts that you ought to know on this space craft expedition-


1. The first flight of this space vessel was on 12th April 1981.

2. It served for almost 22 years and then on 1st February 2003 while doing its 28th mission it disintegrated while coming back.

3. The above incident resulted to death of all the seven astronauts in which one was our very own Indian astronaut Kalpana Chawala.


Kalpana Chawala in the middle-

Astronauts on the space shuttle
Astronauts on the space shuttle


4. The vessel had accomplished 28 missions and had spent 300.74 days spent and 4,808 orbits and 125,204,911 km .

Space Shuttle Columbia while being launched
Space Shuttle Columbia while being launched

5. It has deployed 8 satellites all together.

space shuttle Columbia being constructed
space shuttle Columbia being constructed

6. Few Quotes related to the expeditions and the accident of the vessel-

If we die, we want people to accept it. We are in a risky business, and we hope that if anything happens to us, it will not delay the program. The conquest of space is worth the risk of life.—Astronaut Gus Grissom, 1965

It is important to note at the outset that Columbia broke up during a phase of flight that, given the current design of the Orbiter, offered no possibility of crew survival.—Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report

Columbia is lost. There are no survivors.
—President George W. Bush in a national address, 14:04 EST, February 1, 2003

The scenarios were to assume that a decision to repair or rescue the Columbia crew would be made quickly, with no regard to risk.—Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report (Appendix D.13)


Here is the documentary on the space shuttle’s disaster:


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Shreya Karania
A first year management student from Mumbai.


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