8 Favorite Quotes Of Prannoy Roy For Young India


Prannoy Lal Roy 2

Prannoy Lal Roy is an Indian journalist and media personality. He is the Co-founder and Executive Co-chairperson of New Delhi Televsion (NDTV) alongwith his wife Radhika Roy. He was born in Kolkata and his cousin is the Indian author Arundhati Roy. He is a qualified Chartered Accountants from a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (England and Wales) and holds a PhD in Economics from the Delhi School of Economics. His academic awards include the Leverhulme Trust (UK) Fellowship, Queen Mary College Prize for results at BSc and an OPOS Scholarship at the Doon School to study at Haileybury College. He has been an Economic Advisor in the Indian government’s Ministry of Finance and an Associate Professor at the Delhi School of Economics, where he developed a macro-econometric forecasting model for the Indian economy. He has also been a consultant to the India division of international accountancy firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Here we present 8 Favorite Quotes Of Prannoy Roy For Young India:

Prannoy Lal Roy 3


1.  “This was another step in our overall plan to become a multi-media firm, and as the licensing regime eases, radio is a very attractive space to be in.”

 Prannoy Roy 

2. “India’s problem isn’t too much democracy, it’s too much socialism.”

Prannoy Roy 

3. There’s a lot of stuff which is expensive but easy to do.

Prannoy Roy 

4. The journalistic talent in India is outstanding. We are more lively, hungry and vibrant. We have just one simple problem and I have been fighting to change that for the credibility and future of news. We just have no punishment for defamation. We have defamation laws but they take 20 years. So there is no discipline on journalists.

Prannoy Roy 

5. You just can’t get up and accuse somebody. You will have to do more research to make sure that you are not hit with a defamation case and your company has to pay huge amounts of money. I am fighting for harsh and swift defamation laws. A lot of people don’t agree with me in my industry. They say “you are hitting us”.

Prannoy Roy 

6. If a corporate house does interfere, that media company will die. Corporates own media all over the world and they impose strong editorial guidelines so that the business retains credibility.

Prannoy Roy 

7. This is the new India. How many years have the headlines said “India goes down fighting”. Now the new India headline “India’s fighting win”

Prannoy Roy 


8. Why does India do everything at the last minute -like the CWG. Is the problem our EXAM system?:) Know zero till ‘cramming’ the night before

Prannoy Roy 




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