9 Famous Quotes Of A Prominent African Writer ‘Chinua Achebe’


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Chinua Achebe was one of the most prominent African writer, poet and novelist. He is best known for his novel “Things Fall Apart” (1958). He was regarded as one of the most original literary artists writing in English during his lifetime. Chinua Achebe had studied literature and medicine at the University of Ibadan and British Broadcasting Corporation staff school in London.

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Here we present 9 Famous Quotes Of A Prominent African Writer ‘Chinua Achebe’ 

1. One of the truest tests of integrity is its blunt refusal to be compromised.

Chinua Achebe
2. What a country needs to do is be fair to all its citizens – whether people are of a different ethnicity or gender.

Chinua Achebe
3. The last four or five hundred years of European contact with Africa produced a body of literature that presented Africa in a very bad light and Africans in very lurid terms. The reason for this had to do with the need to justify the slave trade and slavery.

Chinua Achebe
4. The problem with leaderless uprisings taking over is that you don’t always know what you get at the other end. If you are not careful you could replace a bad government with one much worse!

Chinua Achebe
5. The whole idea of a stereotype is to simplify. Instead of going through the problem of all this great diversity – that it’s this or maybe that – you have just one large statement; it is this.

Chinua Achebe
6. The only thing we have learnt from experience is that we learn nothing from experience.
Chinua Achebe
7. The damage done in one year can sometimes take ten or twenty years to repair.

Chinua Achebe

8. Stories serve the purpose of consolidating whatever gains people or their leaders have made or imagine they have made in their existing journey thorough the world.

Chinua Achebe
9. Oh, the most important thing about myself is that my life has been full of changes. Therefore, when I observe the world, I don’t expect to see it just like I was seeing the fellow who lives in the next room.

Chinua Achebe

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