A Sneek Peek At The Three Trendy Styles Rocking The Ramp


2014-fashion-trends (1)

Be it bubblegum pinks, fiery reds or sun kissed shades, our  closet can never be complete without makeup! Makeup help us to glam up the look or even pull off a subtle look.  Here are  some snazzy  makeup styles you can take a sneak peek at :-

The Coloured Eye:

colored eye

If you haven’t noticed it, let me tell you that most of the designers from Marc Jacobs to Masaba, dipped into paint pots to ensure eyes were enhanced in every color of the rainbow. A sophisticated powdered matte finish in an orchid shade that flatters all complexions brings a fresh focus to the face.

Over the matte orchid shade, add a touch of deep plum to the outer corner and tap silvery , frosted shadow on the center of the eye for added dimension.Keep the brows bold – they should be able to stand up to the intense eye-shadow.

The new black line and chalky lips:-

black eye liner       

 We are all aware that black eye – liner and chalky lips were a 60 ‘ s sensation and we are Mod all over again. The dash of floating eyeliner may test  your free – hand drawing skills , but when you see what it does for your eyes,  you’ll rush to pencil it in. The lips are to be kept  deceptively simple : apply your favorite pale ,pink lipstick,  then powder over it.

chalky lps                                                                                                                                                             Cutout dresses:

Cut out dresses (1)

Cutout dresses are a total sensation, and so is cutout eyeliner. Instead of filling in an intense cat eye, draw a little one instead and have a line  tracing the crease and connecting to the tip. A mattified fleshy pink lip makes it both modern and Mod.

You should definitely try these looks! Parred down or super-sized, Either way, your beauty looks are going to have a standout!


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Riya Lokhande


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