Advance Rakhi Wishes 2014 Raksha Bandhan 2014 Greetings in English


1) Never ever thought we will not be together this day. I am really missing you
very much. The Rakhi you send is very good, it’s looking great on my wrist. I
just pray that we will be together on every Rakhi from next year. May God
bless you with lot of happiness, love and success. Take care.
Missing You


2) As I tie dreams in the silken thread
of my virtuous love, GOD showers and
bestows His benedictions from heaven
above. Both the sun and the moon
enchant my adoration, For the passion
that reflects my admiration. The
spiritual bondage with my adorable
brother Arjun, Shall indeed encompass
my Love’s cosmic horizon.
Happy Rakhi Brother…..


3) Those are the same stars, and that is
the same moon, that look down upon
your brothers and sisters, and which
they see as they look up to them,
though they are ever so far away from
us, and each other.


Raksha Bandhan 7 Raksha Bandhan 4 Raksha Bandhan 16

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