Are MNCs devil in disguise?



As i always say “Every coin has two sides”, even MNCs have two faces. As India is a developing country, investment of MNCs in India keeps open lots of employment options. After MNCs have invested in India and become global there is a good value of India. It leads to scope of improvement as India is developing technologically too. The investment in India can be utilized in many things. But there are disadvantages which shows that MNCs are devils in disguise.

I believe MNCs are definitely devils in disguise.Although there are huge benefits for the country as a whole but if you look at a holistic perspective your opinion will differ!!!You maybe working in an MNC but I am not criticizing it, just trying to bring to fore the realistic viewpoint.These MNC’s hire large amount of talented youth that work like dogs all through the day.That’s what American mentality is WORK ,WORK AND WORK.They hardly get the time to think of country or other matters. Okay they give you money and make huge investments to country bringing up the economy but at what cost????????????? Firstly they alienate us from the family indirectly affecting family ties.The youth get good pocket money and they indulge in their pleasures with total disregard to their elders.The opinions of the youth and their mentality is changed and they think totally the western way.So, MNC’s ultimately are culture vultures and are penetrating into the Indian family system and thereby making kids more independent at a very young age.This may have broad future implications and to what extent this may cause concern to us Time Will Only Tell. Finally i want to conclude that MNC’s are devils in disguise and in other words can be called as a NECESSARY EVIL


I m not a has-been I m a will-be

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I am Dhara Shah, a BMS graduate, a friendly person with a happy go lucky nature but cannot stand by lies in front of me, sometimes stubborn as well. I am fun loving kinda person and talkative too.


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