Are You Smitten By The Virus “Log Kya Kahenge…?”



Everyday. Every day we go through this. This part of our life seems to be stringent always which never leaves us. We some or the other time bound to think what others might think. Still due to modernization and social media this is on an urge to curb but what I found – still somewhere at the corner this spot still exist. Or a virus I should call.

Everything is going smooth in life, you update your status – “life is good ^_^” and bang! There’s someone who comes and says you “dude, heard something about you” 🙁 …so the list starts who the hell must have done this. Did she mouth Sayed it to someone and if she or he… has it went viral? Or it’s going to be? “I am screwed” – yeah, this is what that happens exactly in other mediums and phases. And this feeling is really something – something as of a virus. (You realize now why I named it that before).so the virus has entered your brain and you know what’s going to happen next…few hours of anger- some ideas to deal with – idea fail – anger again – frustration – talk to a friend – etc. … not only this though but all such kind of “virus” feelings that we face in our lives are very disheartening. ”Why me?” is what you are left with.

But with god’s grace we cope up with this a lot of times, sometimes not, we face it, some ignore, some forget, some run away. So what can be done at such times? The answer is nothing. 😛 But even you know that– if you will get effected, nothing can go good. You need to stop and breathe for a while. You know it’s your brain or heart inside you, which needs a little brainwashing/motivation and a Way. So if you are lucky to have a great friend – you know who can do the ‘motivational speech’ part exact right. And if not – read this.


It’s all about your brain. Your heart. Your brain worries about your image, character and makes a video of the future things (which doesn’t actually happens). The negativity then enters and things degrade in few seconds. As soon as you face such a thing – your brain starts to portray this future proceedings which angers you. As of course you don’t want the shit to take place.

And your heart gets scared. You weaken when you hear this. You are shook. Shocked. All the emotional stuff starts blending – I didn’t did anything, I cleared everything with him/her, why did he/she said this about me, etc. things.

What you need to do at the very first second is just calm down. Anger and cry comes hurriedly when this things happen. (Differs from person to person). Anger will make you take a wrong step which will only spoil things. Never react immediately. Let it go. Then start thinking that everyone has a review on a person. You are in a class – there are more 20 with you. Even if you don’t know some – you still pose a review about the person. It’s universal. And do they know this? What if you hate someone due to stereotyping? Is that person getting affected? Or does he/her knows it? All people are going to have a review about everyone.

And if you are thinking to go back to the person who did all this and slap him – you will only waste your time and get more polluted. Going back to people who are your past – is a mistake.


You should not get affected with what people think or might think about you. It’s none of your business. I know it’s easy to say – but not difficult to perform a well. You need to understand – that everyone has a review about everyone. And you cannot go into their thoughts – edit stuffs and save it as a new file. “Let it be!” Also remember if there is someone out to speak bad about you – you have more people to speak good about you. 🙂 Walk with this attitude. And not all are dumb to hear rumors and believe it. The person will think twice before making a judgment. If you are a good person – people will protest and say well about you knowing your character and image.

And sometimes this things are only started to record your reaction. People want you to behave badly. The crowd likes entertainment. Don’t serve them ever. You do not have time to pay attention to barking dogs. Getting with them will only add you to the cheap list. By thinking this way, reacting calmly and motivating yourself to the right way – you can always stay classy and to the right path.

Also remember haters are many. “Don’t trip over haters. Walk over them.” It’s easy. If you will live for people’s acceptance you will have to die out of their ignorance too. So don’t think – Log Kya Kahenge! 😉 It’s easy. Because it’s all in your mind. Well said – the way you think, the way you behave.

All the best!




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