Benefits & Negatives Of Being In A Long Distance Relationship


Long Distance Relationship

Relationships make your life or break your life. Relationships are based on love, trust, understanding and loyalty. The essentials of relationships as mentioned in the previous line is the basis of every relationship be it long term relationship or long distance relationships. Long distance relationships are those relationships that the two hearts rather the two people maintain while staying in different parts of the country and across the world. Two people fall in love over the internet and on WhatsApp it is become so common now. It’s been happening since more than 10 years now.

Long distance relationships are difficult to maintain. You can only talk on the phone or video call, Skype etc. Personal touch and communication is missing. You can’t hold his hand; you can’t feed him his favourite dish if you cook for him. You miss out on a lot. You tend to just create a dream land for yourself and your partner about what all you wish to do if you people could have just met and if you were there by his side.

The negatives about long distance relationships:-

  • In a way it is a little sad that you are so far away from each other.
  • You cannot see him/her whenever you want to other than Skype and pictures.
  • He/she won’t come down to your window just to see you and take a nice good night flying kiss.
  • You can’t go for a movie as you both are poles apart.
  • When you’re out with your group and couples all around you don’t have him/her by your side.
  • You don’t know if he/she is faithful to you or no.
  • You don’t know about his/her whereabouts even if he tells you, you may not know the place.
  • You cannot hang out with him/her and have them by your side whenever you want to.
  • You can’t hug him/her when you feel low.
  • You both can’t go on romantic dates quiet often.

Basically you miss everything that a couple enjoys who stay close and are in the same town. But there are so many things that are more beautiful about a long term relationship.

Long Distance Relationship 1

The benefits of a long term relationship are:-

  • You can write love notes to him or her.
  • You can send email or electronic love letters that normally couples who are with each other don’t do.
  • You can send gifts in the form of parcel and makes the other feel so special.
  • You get enough time to spend with your friends; you don’t have to cancel dates with your boy gang or girlie group just to go out with them.
  • Your love grows more and stronger while staying apart.
  • The excitement and enthusiasm is there to meet up your lover sooner or later.
  • You have enough time to plan on a date whenever he/she comes down to meet you.
  • You learn to trust your partner as trust is the basis of every long distance relationship.
  • You learn to control your sexual desires and maintain the dignity of your relationship as you don’t indulge in sex.
  • You don’t have someone spying on you and knowing where exactly you are at every point of time.
  • Since you don’t see the person mingling around with people of the opposite sex the insecurity does ruin the relationship.

There are pros and corns of every relationship. And certainly long distance relationships too have it as mentioned above. The best part about long distance relationship is the imaginary castle of dreams that we build. It seems like a fairy tale. It is all imaginary and we want to turn it into reality. As the love grows strong and the emotions grow even stronger the decision of being together for a life time becomes more firm. You are sure of having that person in your life for a longer time just like a long term relationship. Since you have struggled so much and stayed away from each other for so long, you know how to value that person. You take uttermost care of every word that comes out from your mouth and you are careful about your actions too. You try and avoid hurting the one you love as you do not want to lose that person. There’s so much more that you want to do for the person and indeed you know it was all worth the wait. Both of you have waited for such a long time and you know that both of you have taken the same efforts of being patient with each other. You both are just divided by distance, country, states or globe but you are united in love with each other. That’s what makes your long distance relationship so special and worth the wait. When the two hearts become one and you meet your love after such a wait the happiness and the satisfaction that you get just to see each other makes you believe that there is true love and true love is worth the wait. Every time when you have been faithful and stuck to your long distance long term girlfriend or boyfriend only makes you more proud that you could resist the temptation of getting distracted and getting attracted to another woman or another man. It only makes you feel a lot more special and proud that you have stuck to the man or woman you love and despite the distance nothing has changed between you both, the love has just got even stronger and deeper. You fall in love with that person all over again when you see your lover that is the power of a long distance relationship. When two hearts, two souls, two people meet they melt in love. The first hug that you have with your lover will be the best hug you have ever experienced. The closeness, the love and the connection you feel cannot even be explained it is to be felt. When you get intimate that’s when you show how much you missed your lover and how special he/she is to you.



Carren Bryne.

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