BMS Course Detailed Syllabus of Sem II, IV and VI

Hello BMSites,
Mumbai University has made changes in the syllabus of Sem 2 and Sem 6 from the academic year 2014-15. Please find below BMS Sem 2, 4 and 6 syllabus and list of reference books suggested by the University.

FYBMS Sem 2 Syllabus and Reference Books:

  1. Business Environment Syllabus and Reference Books
  2. Industrial Law Syllabus and Reference Books
  3. Computer Applications in Business Syllabus and Reference Books
  4. Managerial Economics – I Syllabus and Reference Books
  5. Business Mathematics Syllabus and Reference Books
  6. Introduction to Cost Accounting Syllabus and Reference Books
  7. Environmental Management Syllabus and Reference Books

SYBMS Sem 4 Syllabus and Reference Books:

  1. Productivity & Quality Management Syllabus and Reference Books
  2. Direct & Indirect Taxes Syllabus and Reference Books
  3. Export Import Procedures & Documentation Syllabus and Reference Books
  4. Cooperatives and Rural Markets Syllabus and Reference Books
  5. Research Methods in Business Syllabus and Reference Books
  6. Public Relations Management Syllabus and Reference Books

TYBMS Sem 6 Syllabus and Reference Books:

  1. Entrepreneurship Management Syllabus and Reference Books
  2. Operation Research Syllabus and Reference Books
  3. International Finance Syllabus and Reference Books
  4. Indian Management Thoughts and Practices Syllabus and Reference Books
  5. International Marketing Syllabus and Reference Books
  6. Retail Management Syllabus and Reference Books
  7. Econometrics Syllabus and Reference Books
  8. Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Syllabus and Reference Books
  9. Financial Market Operations Syllabus [New Elective in TYBMS Sem 6] from 2014-15 



Don’t miss to check:

FYBMS, SYBMS, TYBMS Exam Paper Pattern With Effect From 2014-15


(P.S. This post has been updated on 12th November 2014 as per the revised 2014-15 syllabus)

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