Business Ethics Prelims 2012



N.B.: 1) Section I is compulsory. (60 marks)
2) In Section II solve any 3 out of 4 questions. 2hrs.

Section I

1. Answer the following question in brief: (15)
1. C.E.O.
2. CSR.
3. Code of Ethics.
4. Entrepreneur.
5. Normative Ethics.

2. Case Study – (15)
Bipin is the general manager – marketing and sales of a pharmaceutical company which has been growing up at a rapid pace having notched a turnover of nearly Rs200cr in just five years time. Bipin has also grown with the company having joined as a territory manager initially Institutional. Hospital sales of their ethical drugs which constitute nearly 55% of the company’s total sales which have been steady all throughout the last five years. During this recent visit to one of the hospitals to secure the order for the year round supply of drugs amounting total sale of nearly Rs 46 lakhs the concerned people asked him a commission / cut of 8% as against earlier arrangement of 5%.
Whereas on the other hand within the company there had been debate going over that the company having established its position in the market and having attained a turnover of Rs 200crs they need to address the company’s value system and follow fair trade practices to the extent possible. Under such circumstances, he realized that it would be difficult for him to convince the managing director to agree to concede 8% commission against 5% cut so far. He also realized that unless a higher percentage of commission agreed, his company would loose the entire order since there is a fierce competition in the market and others are prepared to lure the concerned authorities with better attractive terms.
Thus if not worked out it would not only cause a set back to attain higher sales target for the year but also his prospect of promotion to the position of the Vice President Marketing and Sales might materialize on the contrary his job might be at stake.
1. How do you visualize the dilemma in the perspective of the general Manager Marketing and sales as well as the company?
2. What course of action is available considering the value aspect as well as the marketing and growth aspect of the company?
3. What would be your suggestions for values and ethical codes for the company?


Section II

3. Explain Purusharthas in detail? (10)

4. What are the rules and regulations of CSR towards exploitation, atrocities & harassment of labour? (10)

5. Why should business be socially responsible? (10)

6. What are the responsibilities of an ethical organisation towards the Stakeholders?

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