Candy Crush Memes: 10 Funny Jokes About Candy Crush [PHOTOS]


Candy Crush Saga is a match-three puzzle video game released by the developer King in April 2012 for Facebook and in November 2012 for smartphones. Candy Crush has become the most popular game on Facebook with 46 million average monthly users. The game is updated periodically and new episodes and playable levels are added. There are 620 levels of Candy Crush Saga on Facebook consisting of 41 episodes of 15 levels each. In December 2013, the game was added “Dreamworld” levels which gives the opportunity to replay older levels with a new mechanic. As of 2014, there are 320 levels with 21 episodes in Dreamworld on Facebook.

Check out our amazing collection of Candy Crush Memes: 10 Funny Jokes About Candy Crush [PHOTOS]:

1) Mr. Modi, as soon as you become PM of India, request you to please look after the unwanted candy crush request we all have been getting on Facebook

2) Height of candy crush!!

In the train me standing n waiting for the place to sit. 

Suddenly I see people sitting on the seat..

2 people in same color shirt and the third person in other color.. And there comes a 4th person wearing similar shirt to 1st and 2nd person. 

The only thing I can remember is someway drag the person to third seat and then there wl be blast and the seat is empty 

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