Celebrate Cinco de Mayo 2014 : 8 Spanish Terms To Know


Cinco de Mayo is a popular day celebrated throughout United States and various parts of Mexico honoring the Mexican victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on 5th May 1862. The day is very important in Mexican culture and should not be mistaken as Mexican Independence Day.

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  1. Hello in Spanish is Hola – a familiar greeting you can use with almost everyone in the service industry and you should receive a friendly Hola! back.
  2. Buenos días (Good morning).
  3. Buenas tardes (Good afternoon).
  4. Buenas noches (Good evening, Good night).
  5.  De Nada meaning – it is nothing (a small hand wave is also appropriate to signify that you are not only multi-lingual, but sophisticated!).
  6. Donde está el baño? (where is the bathroom).
  7. ¡rápidamente (quickly)
  8.  ¡Perdóneme, estoy en el fuego, hay un doctor en la barra? (Excuse me, I am on fire, is there a doctor in the bar?)
  9.  “¡Estoy bebiendo con los muertos puede que me llame a una ambulancia! (I am now drinking with the Devil, please call me an ambulance).
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