Classic Yummy Cornish Pasty Recipe



The flavour of this recipe is just excellent and if you’ve never made a cornish pasty before and fancy having a go, this is a good recipe that works well and will produce something that tastes exactly like some cornish pasties that you have eaten in your life..


This recipe is for 4 good sized Cornish Pasties

Strong bread flour

White shortening

Cake margarine

Salt & Cold water

corn pasty

Directions :-


Mix fat lightly into flour until it resembles breadcrumbs.

Add water and beat in a food mixer until pastry clears and becomes elastic. This will take longer than normal pastry but it gives the pastry the strength that is needed to hold the filling and retain a good shape.

Leave to rest for 3 hours in a refrigerator, this is a very important stage as it is almost impossible to roll and shape the pastry when fresh


Good quality beef skirt




Salt & black pepper to taste

Clotted cream or butter

Tip the flour into the bowl and add the shortening, a pinch of salt, the margarine or butter and all of the water.

Use a spoon to gently combine the ingredients. Then use your hands to crush everything together, bringing the ingredients together as a fairly dry dough. Turn out the dough onto a clean work surface.

Knead the dough to combine the ingredients properly. Use the heel of your hand to stretch the dough. Roll it back up into a ball, then turn it, stretch and roll it up again. Repeat this process for about 5-6 minutes.

The dough will start to become smooth as the shortening breaks down. If the dough feels grainy, keep working it until it’s smooth and glossy. Don’t be afraid to be rough you’ll need to use lots of pressure and work the dough vigorously to get the best results.


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Tanvi Gupta


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