Face Reading- A Beautiful Language To Learn


face reading

Face is the like the mirror reflecting the kind of person we actually are, the way we feel whether good or bad is seen on our face. Our facial expression and movements speaks a lot more which even words can’t define.  Having the ability to read one’s mind through their face is an interesting skill to learn. If you wanna know what a person’s face is saying when you communicate with them, here are few things you need to observe:

  1. Take a look at the face- Every person is different and facial expressions differs, so take a close look at the person to observe various movements but do not stare at the person and make them feel uneasy or awkward.
  2. Look into the Eye- People maintain direct eye contact if they are confident if not then they find it hard to look into the person’s eye and may look towards the ground. It could be if they feel shy, out of guilt, shame, if they are upset, trying to hide something and when nervous. A person would not look into the eye if he is distracted by something around or may stare at one particular place dilating one’s pupil while lost deep into thoughts. Some may not look into the eyes as it is believed in cultures to be disrespectful. If someone is gazing to the other direction, probably that person is not paying attention or is trying to ignore you may be even angry with you. If the person is upset they may have redness in their eye or their eyes could be swollen.
  3. Forehead- When there are slight wrinkles on forehead, means that the person is going through some kind or stress or tension so they constantly move their eyebrows up and down.
  4. Lip movement- Smiling signifies that they’re happy, but a smile only using the lip muscles would be considered a polite smile. A full smile uses the eye muscles as well as the mouth stretched right up to the cheek shows that the person is very happy. If the person is not wearing a smile and frowns signify that the person is sad or serious, bored, angry or daydreaming. When people bite their lip it could mean that they’re nervous or tensed about something. Finally, if they’re licking their lips, it could mean that the person is very hungry, or being kind of flirtish and attracted towards someone.
  5. Concentrate on Breathing- Breathing hard could mean that the person must have just done with work out or must be exhausted or was must be running late. Also, hard breathing can mean that the person is nervous to talk to you. Normal breathing doesn’t signify anything in particular, because this type of breathing goes along with most emotions one portrays.
  6. Face skin- It does not mean you be racist it simply means the skin also says something. If the person is exhausted or tired or in a hurry and even embarrassed the face could have a reddish complexion. Due to sickness the colour could be pale. If a person has a normal complexion means that the person is totally fine.


Most important thing in reading someone’s face is to know them, you just cannot randomly stare at anyone and expect them to cooperate with you, and it is possible they might feel offended. Knowing them will help you understand them even better. So you need to play wise while doing this. You also need to keep in mind that some people have medical issues, like they may have breathing problem or their face may be red due to acne etc, so don’t just judge anyone just by looking at them as one careful observation is required. And the fact that everyone is different should not be ignored and it’s not necessary that these suggestions will work for every person you meet.

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Daisy Pais


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