First Superstar of BollywOod- Rajesh Khanna



Jatin Khanna aka Rajesh Khanna or the most well-known name Kaka, was a Bollywood actor, film producer and politician. He is referred to as “first superstar” & the “original superstar” of the Indian cinema. He holds the record of 15 consecutive solo hit films in the period from 1969 to 1971. In 1974 BBC made a film on him titled, “Bombay Superstar”. Khanna is regarded as the most influential & the greatest actors in the history of Indian cinema.


Kaka was born on 29th December 1942, in Amritsar, Punjab as Jatin Khanna. Kaka was adopted & raised by foster parents Chunnilal Khanna & Leelawati Khanna, who were relatives of his biological parents. Khanna lived in Saraswati Niwas near Mumbai & attended St. Sebastian’s Goan High School along with his friend Ravi Kapoor, who later took the stage name as Jeetendra. From the school days only Kaka took deep interest in theatre & plays & in college days won many prizes in the inter college drama competitions.


In 1962 Kaka played a role of wounded dumb soldier in the college play named “Andha Yug”& the chief guest was so impressed by his performance that he get him into the films soon. Khanna became a rare who struggled as a newcomer in MG sports car. Khanna’s uncle KK Talwar changed his first name when he decided to get into films.


Rajesh Khanna was among the eight contestants who participated in the Talent show & eventually Kaka emerged out as winner. & by winning this show the prize award was in the form of a film which is also Kaka’s debut film & after that there was no turning back in his career. From film “Aaradhna” he got the title of “Bollywood’s first Superstar” & none other star has tasted the success of fans like Kaka has got. He was a true legend & will always remain alive in his films & in the memories of fans.


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Ayesha Patel


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