Go Classy with Rum Mixes Drink Recipes



Die-hard Old Monk drinkers will swear by the spirit sipped neat, with a few ice cubes and a dash of water or soda, or topped with a bit of cola and a twist of lime. Here are the Rum recipes you don’t want to miss it..

  1. Rum Punch :

Desi Rum Punch

Ingredients :

Dark rum

A pinch of chaat masala

A pinch of black salt

Pineapple juice

Fresh lime juice

After mixing shake all the ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice and serve, over ice, in an glass. Garnish with a pineapple wedge and an oblong, slit green chili.

  1. Muddled Monk :

Muddled Monk

Ingredients :

Dark rum

Orange liqueur

Fresh sweet lime

Fresh lime juice

In an old-fashioned glass, muddle the sweet lime chunks and pour in the rest of the ingredients. Top with crushed ice and garnish with a twist of sweet lime peel.

  1. Garden of Eden :

Ingredients :

Dark rum

Fresh lime

Apple juice on top

Now fill a tall glass with ice cubes. Pour in the rum and top with apple juice. Squeeze the fresh lime wedge and drop the peel in as well. Garnish with a few apple slices and serve.

  1. Mango Monk :

Mango Monk

Ingredients :

Dark rum

Mint syrup

Fresh lime juice

Fresh mango or mango puree

Now blend all the ingredients together in a bar blender with ice. Serve slushy in a brandy snifter and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint.

  1. Monk’s Coffee :

Monk's Coffee

Ingredients :

Dark rum

Coffee liqueur

Fill an glass with crushed ice. Pour in the rum and coffee liqueur. Stir, then garnish with a few coffee beans.


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Tanvi Gupta


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