Mumba Devi-Amazing Maharashtra

As the most famous line goes – “Denewala Jab bhiDeta ,DetaChapparFhaadKe”.

We understand that people in a busy city like Mumbai, are very devoted. It gives immense pleasure to say that the temples in Mumbai are always in hustle and bustle. Mumbadevi is a very old Hindu Temple. And as the name says its primary deity is goddess Mumbadevi. Bombay got the name replaced as Mumbai against the name of Mumbadevi.

The goddess Mumba Devi is known as the financier of the Kolis (fishermen). They honor the goddess and consider her as their guardian. It is situated in the middle of jewelry market at Zaveri Bazar in South Mumbai. He history of this temple is great. The temple was 1st built in the 18th century.It was demolished in 1675 AD & rebuilt in 1737 AD in Bhuleshwar.

The idol of Mumbadevi is on a black stone with silver crown & gold necklace. To symbolize Mother Earth the idol has no mouth. Other idols include Maa Annapurna seated on a peacock a fierce tiger which is known as the vehicle / vaahan of a goddess. Hanuman& Ganesh idols are also seen in the temple.

Outside the temple v see a lot of cows. As cows are considered God in d Hindu religion people feed grasses to them. There are shops which catches the attention of many female devotees. They have Flower , Garlands , Beads , Shanks , Rudraksh , idols of Mumbadevi , photocopies as no cameras are allowed inside the temple. The milk sweet  is mouth watering as it is considered the “devi’s” favourite delicacy.

The pandits / pujarisin temple perform pujas as per the need of the devotees. Mundans are also performed here. The pujaris have a place behind d temple for their stay. A communal kitchen is also seen behind the temple for preparing food for pujaris.

Don’t be shocked if u see a khakee clad officer,  outside the temple. It is for the security reasons, as this temple has faced various bomb threats in the past.

As it is said, “NOBODY’S PERFECT”, this temple is no exception to the saying. The temple has buildings surrounding it which makes d area of temple crowded.

Other than Mumba Devi people can visit Crowford Market or Chowpatty which is a famous tourist destination and is nearby to the temple.

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