Happy World Party Day 2014 Images, Greetings, Wallpapers, Photos, Pictures Free Download


World Party Day began  in 1996 and was one of the first global efforts in a growing number of movements  to bring about improved social conditions. World Party Day  is observed yearly on (April 3rd).

Observance of World Party Day recognizes peace and joyful expression as fundamental human rights, and celebration (party) as the opposite of war.

World Party Day is a  worldwide celebration. The focus of the event is on the enjoyment and respect of life and being alive. A variety of events include synchronized music broadcasts, radio broadcasts and playlists, synchronized singing, or quiet celebrations alone or with family and friends, hence the World Party Day motto “Rock it or Bliss it”.


World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day World Party Day

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Aishwarya Mehta
live lazzy ..... go crazzy ^_^ Berry pin - 7582495D <3 <3 intagram - ash_0309


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