How To Find the Most Flattering Perfect Shorts For Your Body


Shorts are chic, comfy and fun to wear! However going wrong with them can look you look tacky too! Here are tips on how you should select the right shorts for you:-

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1) To start with opt for shorts that will flatter your figure. There are all kinds of stylish options for women of all shapes and sizes. Consider your proportions to select the right style for your body type. Consider your height: Longer shorts create the impression of shorter legs, while short shorts lengthen the leg, giving the impression of height. Play it safe. Women of most heights can find stylish and flattering shorts that hit around the mid-thigh. Consider the fit: Shorts that flare out toward the bottom, rather than hugging the thigh, are flattering for petite girls and curvy women alike. Long styles like mid-thigh shorts or Bermudas are best, while taller women might find longer shorts more appropriate.


2) Look for shorts that have clean, straight lines. The large pockets on cargo pockets tend to draw attention to your hips and thighs. Instead, opt for shorts in fun bright colors, or with floral patterns. Dark-colored shorts are also slimming and can look both casual and sophisticated paired with the right shirt.

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3) Pick print shorts with the print is small and spaced close together. Floral or tropical print shorts can be a fun and flashy addition to your wardrobe, especially in the summer months. Pick out prints that take up most of the fabric, letting the smallest amount of background color show between the prints to make them as flattering to your figure as possible.


4) Go professional with high-wasted shorts. Increasingly stylish, popular, and flattering, high-wasted shorts are making a big come back. Experiment with fitted and looser styles to get a feel for what’s the most slimming. If you’ve got a shorter torso or are especially busty, you might consider buying shorter waist-style shorts that will look similar on your body.Buy shorts that extend past the hip, but not quite up to the narrowest part of your waist. These are sometimes called “mid-rise” shorts and can be more flattering.


5) Wear shorts that are reasonably short. Many women’s styles feature bottoms that are quite short. While wearing short-shorts will elongate your legs and make them look longer, it’s not always the most appropriate look for all occasions and is sometimes smarter to opt for a more conservative approach to the length of the shorts. Rule of thumb regarding length: Nothing but your legs should be sticking out from the bottom of your shorts. This goes for the pockets of jean shorts, underwear, and anything else your shorts cover.

For a professional look, select high-waisted shorts that fit in with the fingertip rule. With the shorts on, let your arms fall loosely to your sides. The bottom of the shorts should be below your fingertips.

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6) Tuck in your shirt for high-wasted shorts. When wearing high-wasted shorts, tuck your shirt in to elongate your stomach and raise your waist. With lower-cut shorts, it’s usually best to leave your shirt untucked to avoid creating a dimple at the belt-line that can be somewhat unflattering.


7) Color-block in is essential. Pair brightly colored shorts with contrasting brightly colored tops to create a stylish look. Work within the same intensity palate, pairing pastels or neutral colors, say, and create a simple elegant look with shorts, appropriate especially for the summer.






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Riya Lokhande


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