Indian Fashion One Can Wear In Colleges


Well I love to wear Indian Dresses and Indian dressing style . I personally like to wear Indian Dress in colleges once in a while. This Indian Style is not only Indian dresses but one can cover many styles under it. I am sharing with you fashion tips one can do with Indian dressing style and wear in colleges !!!

  • Long skirt and Short kurti : I love long skirt and pairing it up with short kurti is ideal for me. Love the way it looks so feminine and beautiful on any girl. Wear a scarf over it to dress it up and carry a zholi with it to make it even more attractive. This style will not go out of fashion and is one of my favorite ones.


  • Palazzo and Long Kurti : This style is new in trend. I love the way it looks so classy and beautiful. Wear a colorful palazzos and wear a contrast to make it fashionable or keep it simple with basic colors.


  • Kurti and Patiala : I love this combination. Wear it with chapal, I prefer kolhapuri chapals and carry an indian style bag , I prefer one from Holii brand. Braid your hair and bring it to the front or leave them open. It is one of the best look for colleges.


  • Churidar and Kurti : The classic combination, I prefer cotton churidar and kurti for colleges. Since they are easy to maintain throughout the day and are not heavy. 


  • Long Kurtis : The one in trend these days are really long kurtis which are of floor length. Do not go for floor length but go for really long ones. They make you look taller . Wear them with heals and you are done. Easy and stylish.



  • Harem pants : Indian styled Harems are available these days, you can wear them with tank tops or crop tops. They look very chic on girls and love the look of it. 


  • Fusion Wear : This one is also in trend these days. One do so many styles with this one. Wearing tunics on chudidar or wearing tank top or crop tops on Indian skirts, Wearing a blazers of Indian design on Jeans etc. 

There is no limit these days when it come to Indian styled fashion, one can do a lot. It is fun to wear something different than our regular western styles clothes. 

Brands for Indian Kurtis : BIBA, GLOBAL DESI AND LIFESTYLE ( carries many other brands for kurtis )

Brands for Fusion : GLOBAL DESI , AND, LIFESTYLE 

Brands for long skirt : Online on JABONG OR MYNTRA 

Brands for Indian styled bags : HOLLII






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Saniya Rane

I like to live life to the fullest , this is the reason why I love to write about various things in life and about life in general.


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