Influence Of T.V On Youth



Everyone needs entertainment to take their minds away from the boring chores of everyday life. This entertainment can be in the form of music, movies, plays, and various other activities. The most common forms of entertainment are movies, which are watched by people of all ages. Movies are entertaining, but some movies can have a negative effect on their audience. The greatly influenced groups are teenager.

While watching movies on the big screen can be entertaining for a teen, these movies can also have long-lasting effects on the way he or she views the world. The problem begins when one starts viewing movies as a guideline as of how to live one’s life or start buying into the unrealistic portrayals of attractiveness, violent behavior and drug use often seen in popular films.

Body Image Issues and Sexuality

While watching attractive movie stars on screen can be entertaining for a teen, these stars sometimes project unrealistic images that can cause a teen to feel inferior. For some teens, watching films can change their body image and put pressure on them to lose weight. Actors like salman khan influences youth to have a fit body n have abs which results in pressure on youths to have such bodies to impress girls. Teens who watch movies with a lot of sexual content like jism, murder, etc.  May be more likely to engage in sex at an earlier age and could put themselves at risk for sexually transmitted diseases and teen pregnancy. 

Movie Violence

Movie violence is often portrayed as harmless, but it can actually cause a rise in violent behavior in some teens. In particular, realistic violence in movies, such as portrayals of domestic violence or crime, can significantly impact a teen’s mental state. Like Rakht chatra.

Some potential ways movie violence can influence a teen include:

* Teaching aggressive behavior and encouraging violence as a way to solve conflict.

* Making the teen less likely to report violence in school and college, domestic violence.

They think as shamefulness and that results in group fights. For realistic we can see this thing in our college.

The impact on teens differs from person to person, some teens who are exposed to excessive violence in movies may end up becoming bullies, while others may become victims of bullying in school.

Although some movies have a negative effect on their audience, others may have a positive effect too. There are many educational movies out there that are informative. These movies are very few in number as compared to other. These movies are not liked by the young audience, so many movies are mostly a bad influence on young people.

Compared to negativisms positive things is smaller but they are as effective as of negative. I have a friend who watches movies frequently, and in interview he was able to answer the questions with the help of the movies that he has seen.


Despite the constant uproar about popular culture ruining the youth, studies have shown that the number one thing that influences teenage behaviour is their parents.  Of course, that doesn’t mean all teenagers are doing everything their parents say. What it means is that children are watching their parents’ behaviour, soaking up their parents’ attitudes, and becoming like their parents slowly but surely, whether they like it or not.  It means that, as a parent, what you say to your teen and the rules you set don’t matter nearly as much as the things you do, and your attitudes towards life.  Teens will disobey to rebel, but they end up emulating their parents’ actions and opinions.

So parents should always help the teenager to view movies in realistic manner. Let’s take the movie inkarr, here many has watched it for the sexual content but there is also an another view point in it, from that movie one can learn how to behave and at times how corporate works.


AUTHOR : Manoj Abraham



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