Interview with Payal Shah Karwa, Founder, The Word Jockey


An Interview with Payal Shah Karwa, Founder, The Word Jockey

By Karan Mange, Correspondent,

  • Tell us something about yourself?

PG in  Advertising & Communications from NMIMS. I think I was the only ‘idiot’ who chose to join an Event Management Company right after my PG. I joined Midas Events as the Communications and Concepts Manager, followed by a stint in Ogilvy & Mather where I specialized in activation planning. Hanmer Events (Hanmer MS & L Group) was my next stint where I worked on PR-oriented Events. My last job was with OOH Media where I headed PR & Events and handled Marketing Communications.


  • Tell us something about your company?

The Word Jockey ( is a creative communications studio for brands. We offer concepts, content and writing services across media – for instance concept planning and scripting for Events, Social Media content, Collateral copywriting etc.


  • How were you inspired to start this venture? 

Simple. People don’t ideate. If they ideate, they simply can’t write. If they can write, they can’t communicate. From a press release to a Presentation, I realized a dearth of creativity and communications’ talent in the new-age media of Events and Digital Media. I found the need gap in the market to begin with.

Brand Communications has been my passion. I also wanted to combine my writing career to offer a pool of communication related services to help people ‘Write Right’.


  • Can you elaborate on how can one make a Career in Writing?

Fortunately, in the last decade, Writing as a career option has become lucrative owing to the rise of digital and content marketing. So whoever out there wants to earn money from their writing talent, there are millions of blog posts, articles, stories and online media(portals) which need a good writer. But to start a career in Writing, first start writing. Then choose to be either an independent writer or join a content / communications company. If you want to start independently, nowadays people need specialist writers –e.g. lifestyle writers /travel writers /bloggers / HR / Academic etc. Choose your field of interest and apply. In both cases, build a portfolio. If you are going independent, apply to online portals who accept freelance writers. There are several content creation agencies like who hire good writers. The key is to begin writing.


  • Whom do you admire as your role model? Why?

I admire Ruskin Bond – he is not exactly my role model, but he is the Father of Indian writing. His books inspired me to write. I started with little stories and essays. And here I am today – with an all-round writing studio of my own.


  • Is the Name of the Institute from where a student does his/her BMS important while entering into corporate world?

Yes, the corporate world is very perceptive. If they have had a good experience with the alumnus of your Institute, they would prefer hiring from therein of course.


  • “Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

Depends what you are out there to earn – is it only money and ‘izzat’ or even earning learning, equity and a legacy? A business is primarily to earn bread and butter but the key to a successful business is to add value to society directly or indirectly. Eg Anita Roddick of Body Shop is so successful due to her ‘no animal testing’ concept of body care products. So while earning more and more is not wrong, it must comply to basic business ethics.


  • What message would you like to give to the BMS students and budding entrepreneurs?

Don’t start out as an entrepreneur immediately. Build your networks, accumulate at least 2-3 years of work experience in the field and find the exact need gap you can fill in. Look at the common thread between all big or small successful entrepreneurs – it is their unique offering which makes them wanted. Eg a small shop called Chheda Ayurveda is more popular than any neighourhood grocery shop as he has something different to offer. A Biyani was successful because Big Bazaar is not just another mall – he felt the pulse of the Indian consumer – decent quality at reasonable rates. So find your niche and fill it with your unique product or service.

For the students – please read good books (communications / creative / business related), do not google up information everytime you need some answers and have a respectful attitude towards your first job at least.


  • What qualities you see for apart from the required academic qualification while recruiting a person?

A wise person once said ‘success is 80% attitude and  20% hard work’. It is the attitude of a person towards their work which is more important than talent. So even if a person is less qualified, if she / he has a learning and open attitude, it will make up for what they lack.


Good portal. Need to pep up your content. 🙂 Get more Industry people or your alumnus of BMS to contribute.


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I am Karan Mange, Assistant Manager- Social Media Initiatives at currently studying TYBMS I am fun loving, extrovert, loves too much of talking, interacting with new people, exploring new places and many more. I go mad about music, especially sufi and classical. Interested in photography, graphic designing, media and music. want to explore world and see myself in the top management of a MNC.


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