Is Your Wanting To Achieve Size Zero Affecting Your Health?


size zero figure


Nowadays our ideal body shape and size has changed from the voluptuous to the size zero celebrities. However, living happily in our own body can be a challenge. For many women it is a constant source of dissatisfaction.

In our modern society the promotion of the idealisation of thinness has put women of all ages under intense pressure to attain that perfect body. However, living happily in our own body can be a huge challenge. The media, advertising, fashion and cosmetic industries play a major role in promoting the myth that beautiful women are always thin. These powerful influences serve to fuel a sense of personal and almost infectious collective body dissatisfaction amongst women and have contributed to the rise in the use of eating disorder behaviours such as obsessive dieting, calorie counting, over-exercising, self-induced, vomiting and diet pills. Basically size zero was started in Hollywood after which Kareena Kapoor being the first Bollywood actress to bring the trend in India as well. Men do not experience and have to live with the same degree of competition and comparison that women do.

According to a survey six out of 10 women think size zero is attractive and nearly all consider size 12 to be “fat”. The real pressure comes from seeing other women of smaller size. No wonder so many women say they can’t eat normally anymore because they’re trying to achieve the unachievable.

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Saloni Shetty


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