Journey Towards Unknown Path


Journey Towards Unknown Path

The question is not how much you live your life, but how well you live your life.  We all run for happy destination, but have anyone tried running for happy journey. We all want to reach the peak of the mountain, without realizing that more exciting than the peak is the path towards it. We must enjoy our journey of life without thinking of destination. Because destination is decided by destiny but journey – it’s we who decide our journey. A happing journey doesn’t require for you to be a king or queen, you can just be a simple person. A happing journey can be one with a smile on your face throughout your way. Let it be happiness or sorrow, your smile shouldn’t fade. All perfect pictures in the world have a perfect smile. And for perfect smile you need to do just whatever you want, however crazy or stupid it sound, like this simple girl with a simple story…….

She was like all others but still different.  She had all luxuries of life but she still felt that her life was incomplete. She wore a branded lipstick but her smile was fake. And so fake was her happiness. This was the reason that made the daughter of richest businessmen to run away from her house at midnight. No not in branded clothes, but in simple jeans and a T-back with a jacket. For all others she had ran alone, but for her she ran along with herself .she left all her Gucci products and ran towards a journey but not a destination.

It was 1am when she was running behind a train. She didn’t know where the train was supposed to go but she managed to get into the train. She talked to all the passengers, played with kids in train, and it was the first time she heard herself laughing. The train reached Mumbai. And she got out into the city of colors. She had carried money n her chords (her all time mate) and lastly she had herself. The one whom she had lost in the noise of disco-parties, in the big house, big car. Now she ran from all these to find herself. She started her day with the typical road side thella food and not her boring cornflakes. After eating she walked and walked wherever the roads took her. She was not doing what her parents told her, she was doing what she wanted to do…

She was walking to the path of happiness. She clicked pictures with everyone around, be it a policemen or a sweeper, be it an office man or a beggar. She clicked pictures with school and college going students. Her parents were so busy in earning money that they never took her to her grandparents. She always wanted to listen stories from her granny and talk with grandpa but this had remained her dream. But today as she was free, she went to an old age ashram to meet not one but several grandparents. She asked them  to narrate few stories , she ate simple dal bhaat from an old lady’s  hand. Her parents never feed her with such love .children of these old people didn’t have time for them so they were lonely. And parents of this girl didn’t have time for her so she was lonely. These two lonely sides gave each other company. She learnt that love doesn’t require any blood relation.

She then went to nearby orphanage. She cried at the first sight of these children. Not because she saw their sorrow but she saw them smiling even after having problems. They had lost their parents but not their hope. She played with them all those games she had only heard of. In her big house she played with costly toys n video games sitting in one room. Today she made new friends and with them she ran, laughed, danced. She sang all typical hindi songs in loudest of her voice. She made maggi for those kids .she made new friends .She became kids with them. She learnt from them that problems do come on our path. Solution to these problems is only one –smile, smile to that extent that problems change their way and no one can stop our path.

She walked to the unknown roads but with a smile. The roads were full of traffic. She helped the traffic policemen to clear the roads .The policemen gave her a chocolate as a thank you gift. Her parents gifted her big things – ipads , iphones, car, etc,  but just to give her satisfaction not happiness .This chocolate gave her smile . Those ipads may be more costly but  not more than  happiness that the chocolates  gave her.

It was 5 when she came across a Barat of a wedding. It seemed that her path was bringing new adventures towards her. She got in that Barat and danced with all her energy. The crowd stopped to watch this crazy girl. But she danced and shouted the lyrics of the songs. She made the atmosphere energetic. Then the barat went towards their part and she continued towards her path of happiness. How small small things can give you happiness? She wondered. There was no perfect dance step, nor perfect songs, nor perfect DJ, nor perfect disco lights but for her it was all perfect. Because life is not finding perfect things but making imperfect things perfect.

She sat in a auto rickshaw. The potholes on the way gave her rollercoaster ride. She was recording all these things on her camera. The roads, the traffic, even the bhajiwalas and hawkers. She was smiling throughout her journey and this was the reason that the journey itself brought happiness to her.  She went to market and saw all ladies were barging for even 1 rupee. She asked the reason to one of them. To her one women replied – “I’ll save this 1 rupee and buy chocolate for my son. He will be happy. “he learnt that happiness don’t have a price tag. If our want to be happy find them in small things. At night she took halt in hotel. Next day she again ran behind a train again not knowing the destination

She spent her 30 days roaming India. Once she was in Rajasthan wearing ghara –choli. Next week she was learning dance in Chennai. She ate rasgulas of Kolkata and enjoyed garba in Gujarat.

Before she was living her life today she was enjoying her life. We all want to reach our destination without realizing how awesome can be our journey. We all are so busy in our life the we forget to smile. We all live to earn money.  But money can buy you lipstick not smile. Never forget to smile . because it your that asset which will never depreciate and always will give you profits . This journey taught her life . Life is a journey not a destination.








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