Know Your Ministers – Mansukhbhai Vasava




Name- Vasava, Shri Mansukhbhai D.

Date of Birth- 1st June, 1957

Place of Birth- Junaraj , Distt. Narmada (Gujarat)

Mother’s Name- Smt. Ramila Ben

Father’s Name-           Shri Dhanji Bhai Vasava

Educational Qualifications- B.A, M.S.W

Profession- Agriculturist


Positions Held-

2004                                        Re-elected to 14th Lok Sabha (3rd term)

Member, Committee of Chemicals and Fertilizers.

Member, Committee of Petitions.

5 Aug. 2007                           Member, Committee of Chemicals and Fertilizers.

2009                          Re-elected to 15th Lok Sabha (4th term)

31 Aug. 2009                         Member, Committee of Science & Technology, Environment


His ASSETS: more than 65 LAKHS

His LIABLITIES:  more than 6 LAKHS



His Activities

Mansukhbhai has always maintained a low profile and worked for people in Gujarat. After seeing the Gujarat model and the development, we have high expectations from him too. The Narendra Modi team is going to put in all its efforts to create The India Model and set an example for the world ( fingers crossed)!




–          Saloni Tolia


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