Life After BMS: The Practical Realities Of A Jobless BMSite!


bms y u no get me a job meme

BMS or Bachelor Of Management Studies is a 3 year course designed to churn out graduate level students skilled and trained as managers. It is a course that holds utmost importance in the India of today, where  India Inc. is being created and designed in a whole new way!

The economy is growing and the new government is working towards providing the necessary requirements to help us grow, there are going to be a lot of opportunities for skilled professionals in the coming 5 years and making the most of them is in the hands of the Indian youth.

When the demand for such students is immense and the supply has no shortage with the BMS course taught in 100 colleges in Mumbai city alone, the question mark hovering over the entire BMS fraternity is the number of unemployed or underemployed BMS graduates churned out year after year.


The ratio of such students grows wider with the lower ranked colleges and accept it or not, the market needs skilled people your course degree may say anything, unless you have the skills and talent the employer won’t accept you.

BMSites today have a huge misconception that we have an upper hand in the job market, ask them why and answers ranging from because I study more subjects, I have tougher subjects, I am doing a course that  makes me a manager come forward. Vague and pointless answers circle us and this is when we realize why employers don’t give these students preferential treatment, they dont even know what makes them stand apart!

Earlier there was an exclusivity attached to BMSites, these days anybody who managed decent percentage in H.S.C can get in and in certain college’s even that doesn’t matter. Today a BMS pass out may state I have a vernacular medium as my base and I can’t speak English and get away with it, I skipped my PPT’s and now the concept of PPT doesn’t even exist with the 75:25 system so I don’t know how to make presentations, I don’t know how to make a research assignment or  a project in the right format because I din’t do it back them.

no job no experience

If you didn’t do it back then then why do you expect your employer to hire you? he can hire anyone who made efforts back then! Your course curriculam has provisions for everything, the system of allocating marks may have changed but it will always retain the core essentials of teaching you to be able to make a sensible conversation because you have been educated with industry information.

To be able to address a meeting, create project reports or manage a team effectively and your textbooks alone have that upper edge over other courses helping you get there. Standing in the job marketing post 3 years of graduation and complaining that I didn’t get a job is pointless because BMS didn’t say don’t go and get work, don’t go and do internships or don’t read the newspaper. 

If you are a BMSite your personality should show that and that is where your future employer will want you. If you give excuses like I can’t speak English because of my background, would it matter as much if you put in 2 hours a day and focused on reading and speaking English. 

When people say there are no jobs I beg to differ, how can such a huge country who is trying so hard to reach at the top of the globe not be able to fulfill employment requirements, and even if that happens for uneducated and illiterate it is understandable, but when highly skilled and well trained people are out of jobs, it’s high time you introspect and find out the cause.

jobless generation

Being a BMS student isn’t a matter of pride if you don’t utilize those opportunities that come your way. Seminars are a pain and bore you to death but have you ever tried sitting through one and noticed if nothing then the speaker. His ability to communicate, his body language, his tactics to control a crowd?

More and more I come across BMSites, the way they deal with studies or extra curricular’s is a huge disappointment. For the BMSite of today a career plan is something only nerds make, attending lectures is something they wont do unless they have their name in the black list and college activities and events are simply a burden. 

With this attitude be willing to face severe set backs and down falls in your work life, if you manage to secure a job without struggling that is! The job market needs you, you have enrolled in a course that will teach you to develop the skills needed for today’s economy, you will get opportunities to sharpen your personality and stand out in a crowd – but will you do it is something you need to answer!


Students do not go to industrial visits because they are boring. The one’s your college so painstakingly sets up, you ignore and what harm does it do to learn something new? it’s a bore because you didn’t show interest and ended up loosing out on an opportunity to develop your personality in the process. 

Accept the harsh realities of the world after graduation, because when the reality hits, if you are a girl it will leave you learning house work and being packed off to your in-laws and if you are a guy doing a job that’s way below what you have studied for! Those nerds who planned their career’s will be joining at positions way above you and earning a decent salary as compared to your meager allowance.

looking for a job

3 years of college life you choose to work hard, when you rightly compare yourself to the other courses and realize that they work 1/10th of what you do you were right, so then why settle for something way below your efforts where getting your job is concerned?

Be practical, be realistic and make sure that you know the ground realities of life after BMS, then and only then will all these efforts of the past 3 years pay off!

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Ami Pandya

'Ever Learning, Ever Evolving, Never Giving up' sums up's Content Manager and passionate writer, Ami. She is a BMS graduate who has freelanced in the past with the top Indian newspapers and magazines. Apart from writing she also likes to indulge into travelling, photography and social work.


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