List of Highly Acclaimed Ad Campaigns By India’s Ad Guru ‘Prasoon Joshi’


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Prasoon Joshi, India’s Ad Guru started his advertising career with one of the world’s leading agencies, Oglivy & Mather in Delhi. After working for 10 years, he became a creative star and rose to be the Executive Creative Director of the Mumbai office. In 2002, he joined McCann-Erickson as National Creative Director and by 2006, he was regional Creative Director of South and South East Asia.

His highly acclaimed advertisements include the below campaigns:

1) Sach dikhate hain hum – NDTV India

2) Abhi toh main jawaan hoon – Saffola

3) Alpenliebe, Chlormint – LG, Marico

4) Thanda matlab Coca-Cola – Coca-cola

5) Happydent


Other award-winning advertising campaigns include-

1) Asian Paints

2) Cadbury

3) CNN IBN : India Rising

4) Vacao Scooty

5) Close-up

6) Ponds

7) ING

8) Coke : Ummeed wali dhoop

9) Close-up


Public-service campaigns include:

  1. Breakthrough Trust’s Anti-HIV Campaign
  2. Pulse Polio
  3. National Literacy Mission: child education films
  4. UN Millennium Goals: Anti-Poverty Campaign
  5. Anti Child Abuse
  6. Cancer Patients Society: against tobacco consumption

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