Love Yourself Only Then Others Will Love You


Loving yourself is something everyone should do. Loving yourself is all about respecting you. It’s more about accepting yourself completely and truly. A lot of people fall into guilt as they don’t accept themselves. When you commit a mistake or a sin then you must be able to forgive yourself. Most of the times we tend to forgive others but do not forgive ourselves. The way we are created is the way we should be happy that way. Many times we tend to hate the way we are created and wish we would be in a particular way.

The bible says that we are created in the image and the likeness of god. When each and every one is created in the image and likeness of god then why is it so difficult to accept that we are good. We often feel inferiority complex and feel very insecure about a certain body part of flaw that we have. It is not right to feel so bad about yourself. We all are unique and different and the qualities that we possess are quite different from the ones that others do. We all are indeed different in our own special way.

Accepting oneself means accepting every single thing about you, be it good or bad, ugly or beautiful basically on the whole accepting yourself throughout is important. We may be very arrogant or sometimes too selfless and thus may be people take advantage or make fun of us because of such attitude. Hence we start hating ourselves. We start judging ourselves on what people think of us. While people judge us we start judging ourselves. We sometimes accept ourselves as to what others believe we are. This is a sign that our morale has gone down and we have to start pumping up ourselves.

There are a few things you could do to start loving yourself:-

  1. Stop comparing yourself with others.

Firstly it is very important to stop comparing yourself with others. Both the individuals i.e. you and the person you are comparing are different. One should learn to be happy with you. Do not ever compare as while comparing we may ignore our good qualities and only see the qualities of others. Whereas we will not compare the two good qualities. Comparison happens between two equal things. It happens between two equal individuals comparing a good and a bad deed isn’t really the right thing to do. It will only make you feel more worst and you may start developing a dislike against your own self.

  1. Appreciate your qualities.

Appreciate the qualities and the talents that you have and you possess. Only when you acknowledge and appreciate the good that you do only then will others too look at you the way you look at yourself. If you feel you are ugly then you make others also think that you are ugly which is so not true. It is how you look at things and how you want others to look at things.

  1. Take compliments seriously

When someone compliments you, you must accept that compliment with a smile. Believing that yes, I have received a positive feedback about myself and it means you are going in the right direction. Many of us often act too smart when given a compliment, human psychology says that we know it that a person’s compliments are genuine but we doubt it over and over again so that we get to hear more of it and indeed want someone to convince us as well for the same. This mostly happens with women, women always feel they aren’t looking as good as they really do. If given a compliment they no, I am not that beautiful it’s just the camera and all those reasons. It’s hard for them to believe because they do not expect compliments on a certain picture or so and so when they get a compliment they take it lightly.

  1. Forget the insults

Everybody goes through a time when they are being insulted publically or privately. Insults are bad; they remain like a black mark on your character or your image. But life is all about moving on despite all the issues and insults.  Life is more about leaving the wrong and negative things behind and never turning back. Even when others high light our faults we must just leave out all the rest and just think of all the good things we have and all the positive things that can happen to us despite the issues.

  1. Self-motivation

Self-motivation is one thing that is very essential and that should be inculcated from childhood. Self-motivation is needed as there are so many people that demotivate us and this leads to problems in our own lives. When such situations happen we want someone to make us feel good in short we need motivation. Waiting for someone to motivate you is like standing close to water well and waiting for the well to give you a bucket full of water instead of you yourself taking the efforts to draw a bucket of water because you are thirsty. Remember it is your need you want to be happy why wait for others to make you happy.

  1. Remove self-pity.

People drown in self-pity most of the times. All these are signs of negativity and bad vibes. Remove all of this out of your head. Don’t sulk and feel bad about yourself you will land up into self-pity. Whatever you feel about yourself the same kind of feeling you give to others. That’s why only when you will start loving yourself and respecting yourself so shall others do the same to you. If you treat yourself like shit others too will treat you the same way.

These few things could help you make you love yourself. If there is a bad habit then you must try to remove it or change it rather replace it with a good habit.


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