Ministry Of Tribal Affairs – Jual Oram



Mr. JUAL was born on 22nd March 1961 in Sundargarh, Odisha in a Poor Tribal Family. He is the holder in diploma in electrical engineering & has worked for BHEL for 5 years before joining politics.

Mr. Jual started his political career in 1990. He had several important posts in his political career & has never let his graph go down. One of the posts includes being a member of the Orissa Legislative Assembly.

After being elected as the 12th Lok Sabha in 1998 he beign his assignment given by Atal BihariVajpayee for the 1st time in the history of India after Independence as Union Ministry for Tribal Affairs.

He is very keen in uplifting the tribal population of India & so has visited many tribal areas in the country. He has 1 criminal record to his Crime –o – meter.


– Khushboo Chauhan

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