Mumbai: The City of Lights.



Mumbai as known as the theater of dreams to many is the only commercial city of India. It is the city which never sleeps. In Mumbai, you are welcomed at any time of the day or the night. People here get restless days and sleepless nights and so I guess it’s called the city that never sleeps. The beautiful places to visit and the best junk food available make it a much awaited place to visit.

The different view of the city gives it the much needed attention enough to attract tourists. The city also provides different view points of the two face of the city. Though the city has developed much over the time, people still go on for begging than doing any work. People are too much busy in their daily schedule that they forget to show humanity toward the beggar.

Some people are too much humane in the city. A middle aged aunty provides milk and biscuit to the street dogs and cats every night on a bicycle. An old uncle in his late 70’s provides biscuits for the dogs in Borivali. After seeing this scenario myself, I firmly believe that good people do exist that help the poor and the needy.

For the people who are needy and helpless, even a single rupee matters to them. Mumbai has been a motivational city after all. Any situation it be, floods attacks, people have always been together to help everyone in need. Mumbai has been the ray of hope to every person coming or going from here. Though Mumbai has been a city which never sleeps, it still has a lot to conquer.



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Kabeer Rath


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