My First BMS Presentation Experience


first presentation

Presentation word sounds quite scary for almost all of us, especially the first one. Standing in front of the whole class and speaking with the lines mugged up is difficult for many of us.

I had my presentation in the second week of my college. It was a computer presentation. Hearing this I was very scared because I suffer from stage fear. We were divided in groups according to our roll numbers and each group was assigned with different topics. As the day arrived I was freaking nervous and had by heart the lines on the topic I had to speak about very well and I learned it all my way to the college. On reaching the classroom my group had to give the presentation first. On reaching the point where the presentation had to be delivered I had forgotten all my lines, body feeling numb and body all shivering which was the most horrible experience of my life. But finally I gathered some courage and spoke very confidently. Everyone including my professor liked my dialogue delivery. After the presentation I was a lot more confident about myself and also felt really proud about myself. This presentation gave me a complete life changing experience. I had never done anything like this before and doing this taught me many things, the most important one was to work in a group that was not something I was very comfortable doing.

After that I eagerly wait for my professors to give us presentations as now it’s really exciting to work with different classmates and give my ideas to make the presentations unique.

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Saloni Shetty


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