The Life Of Narendra Modi – India’s Most Active PM



NarendraModi the highly powerful name in today’s politics. Currently NarendraModi is the Prime Minister of India. He is the 15th Prime Minister of India. Mr. Modi is leader of BhartiyaJanta Party (BJP) also served as the chief minister of Gujrat from 2001-2014. He is currently the member of Parliament from Varanasi.


NarendraModi was bornon 17th September 1950 to a family of grocers belonging to backward class community, in Mehesana district of Gujrat. He was the third to the four children born to DamodardasMulchandModi& his wife Heeraben. The Teenage years were the most difficult days of his life. He first helped his father in selling tea & later on he also become a tea vendor.  In 1967 he completed his schooling in Vadnagar where the teacher describes him as an average student but a keen debater who had an intrest in theatre.


That intrest in theatre has made Mr. Modi taking influence in politics. At the age of eight he came in contact with RSS where he met LakshmanraoInamdar later on who becomes his mentor. He later on received some training in the RSS camp in Nagpur. Seeing his training & dedication The RSS assigned Modi to BJP in 1985. But the highly dedicated & serious Modi took no longer time to enter in mainstream politics. Seeing his dedication & hardwork he was elected as an organizing secretary of BJP’s Gujarat unit.

As a secretary Modi’s strategy was to central the victory of BJP in Gujarat. And after his role in the victory of BJP there was no looking back for Mr.Modi Then he was electedNational Secretary of BJP & was transferred to New Delhi where he was assigned the responsibility for party’s activity in Haryana & Himachal Pradesh. & after that he become the chief minister of Gujrat & there was no looking back to Mr. Modi his dedication &hardwork make him the man he is today.


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Ayesha Patel


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